Wildlife portraits Info Post Unknown 01:37 No Comment Elephant and his mahout - KeralaBannerghatta national park tiger (Shot within the confines of Bannerghatta Safari i.e. not a wild tiger)Alleged man eating leopard captured on the outskirts of Bombay cityAlleged man eater 2 trapped- BoriviliMugger croc (Madras croc banks) Shot in a large aquarium, not a wild croc and i was not underwater when i shot itIndian rock python feeding Elephant and AdarshGaur - BandipurCaptive elephant eyes- KeralaThree tetra fish and two muggers - MCBT King cobra and Sumantho - OrissaRanis feet - Bandipurstalk - Bannerghatta "safari" park (note the wire shadows on the tigers flanks)Russells viper - Mysorescrapping sloth bears - These bears were shot at Bannerghatta and are not wild bears.Asian elephant (tame)King Cobra being filmed for a documentary at Agumbe. Handled by Gouri ShankarRed scorpionCaptive leopard at Bannerghatta National parkSaw scaled viper - Mysore Share: Facebook Twitter Google+ StumbleUpon Digg Delicious LinkedIn Reddit Technorati
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