Koshy's restaurant is more of an institution than a restaurant. You can spend a lot of time here, drink the relatively expensive coffee and say hello to the regulars, some of whom have been coming by for more than 40 years.
Ok, maybe Umesh the artist has not been coming for that long but...to many Bangaloreans including Umesh, Koshy’s is familiar. A constant in a fast evolving city. Some talk of days that one could order a coffee "by two" and share the same. Its patrons seem not to be class specific. Retirees and old Bangalorean's whose city has dissapeared still sit by the window and occassionally complain about the rise in prices. Kanidiga lawyers, government servants, gowda planters, old anglo Indians, goans and others, artists, writers, jounalists and photographers.

Prem Koshy, the ever hospitable and charming personality in charge at Koshys (the man in red above) is always ready to offer you whats best on the Menu or advice or help for anything. He seems to love life and talks about everything, from aliens, alternative medical therapies to the best way to make pork and beans. Prem is Koshys.
The lawyers come in late morning, the regulars at all times of the day. They sit at the same table and many dress the same. The tableware hasn't been changed for the most part. You know the waiters by name, the coffee is consistent and your waiter knows how you like it, the menu says that Koshy's catered for Nehru and Queen Elizabeth, the knights of the square table sit and discuss their solutions to the Yangtze river five gorges dam project, the portraits of Prems father and grandfather stare down at you, you have your seat by the window safe from the elements and outside the elements change but Palani the waiter brings you your coffee just the way you have always liked it.

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