"What they are using this for?" asks Mrs. Iyer

Lady Britomart: There is no moral question in the matter at all, Adolphus. You must simply sell cannons and weapons to people whose cause is right and just, and refuse them to foreigners and criminals.
Undershaft (determinedly):No: none of that. You must keep the true faith of an armourer... to give arms to all men who offer an honest price for them, without respect of person or principles.
- George Bernard Shaw, Major Barbara, Act III -
Here are some images I made at an air show that was held in Bangalore a few days ago. Several countries, including the Russians, Americans and Brits were present peddling their wares and looking bored with Mrs. Iyer asking "But what does it really do, I say?"
Complex technology, fighter jets, "ship busting missiles" and other unique, amazing and incredible instruments of death were laid out in air conditioned sheds. Also present was the unique, amazing and incredible Indian middle class, all guns blazing.

Tappa you will get TAPPA!

Full speed Raju

Actual overheard conversation at the air show
Mr. Iyer: Americans will help us against Pakistan no?
American gentleman in stall: Well sir, we represent freedom and democracy all over the world.
Mr. Iyer: Oho, how much this missile costs?
American: Sir, they are not for sale to the public.
Mr. Iyer: You sold to Saudis,Israelis,Iraqis, Iranians and Kuwaitis. Why not me? Tell i say.
American: I just work here Sir.
Mr. Iyer: That's what the Nazi's said...no?
American: We are no Nazi's sir
Mr. Iyer: And i am not a dictator. So how much?

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