A kathoey is what a "male to female transgender person" is referred to in Thailand. They are sometimes referred to as ladyboys. Most kathoey work in entertainment as dancers, actors (actresses) and performers in cabaret shows or as prostitutes. However, though "present" on TV and in movies, kathoey are usually given comedic roles, very much like hijras in most Indian cinema.

Thailand seems to "accept" kathoey. Many Thai models, actors, singers and movie stars are kathoey. The phenomenon is not restricted to urban areas and kathoey events like beauty competitions happen in rural areas as well.

Some believe that this "acceptance" is in part due to the nature of Thai Buddhist culture, which espouses acceptance and tolerance of all groups. However, families are often disappointed if a male member of the family “becomes” a kathoey and legal recognition of the kathoey is non-existent in Thailand, as technically, they are not allowed to change their “legal" sex.

Their suicide rate is significantly higher than that of the general Thai population and many kathoey believe that it’s a long way off when they will be truly accepted and assimilated into Thai culture.

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